Your Private Oceanfront Caribbean Villa

Recommendations for the Use of Common Areas

Dear guest,

During these unprecedented Pandemic times, we have the health and safety of our guests and employees as our primary concern. We recommend that our guests follow the suggested guidelines of “Social Distancing”, the use of masks and hand sanitizer at all times when in common areas, as well as frequent handwashing with soap for at least 20 seconds.  For all the details concerning Local Covid-19 Safety Measures, please visit Travel Guidelines | Discover Puerto Rico.

Please note that Sunset Paradise Villas has 8 accommodation units, therefore, we may or may not have other occupied villas coinciding with the dates of your stay. The pool or other areas are not always in use, but if you decide to use any of our common areas you find that there is another group that uses it, speak directly with that part and see if they have any problem sharing the space with the appropriate social distance.

The main recommendation is to group no more than 10 people and to stay at least 6 feet apart from other people or groups.  The main roof top area is exceptionally large (approximately 10,000 pc) in different areas and “separate” levels. You can easily have several groups at the same time and keep the appropriate social distancing recommendations. In the different areas we have SUN BEDS, TERRACES, BALCONIES, JACUZZIS / SPA, GAZEBOS and SWIMMING POOL.

In addition, we are located ocean front, generally with direct access using the stairs. But it can happen that from time to time the level of the sand changes and access could be difficult. Even so, you can enjoy our beautiful beaches because both to the north and south of the property, we have beautiful sandy beaches within walking distance.

Normally we have not had problems sharing the common areas, as long as we have good communication, cooperation and respect, the groups can come up with a pleasant plan so that they can use and enjoy the area, either separately or at the same time.

We are all in this together and we encourage COOPERATION among guests without our participation. If you have ANY PROBLEM regarding the use of the common pool area, and you CANNOT resolve it between you and the other guests, please contact Grizel. She will assign separate times for each guest, but hopefully we do not need to.

Remember, we have MANY options available for you. We have many roof top areas for your use, several hot tubs / spas, plus access to the ocean, either by swimming or using our KAYAKS. There is also a nice SANDY BEACH just a few steps away. Please ask Grizel about all your available options.


Enjoy your stay and be safe!